Kathryn Golden
HCI and User Research MSIS Professional
Trader Joe's Application
For the course Human Computer Interaction in Fall of 2017, my group decided to design a phone application for a non-existent Trader Joe's Application.

After deciding on the project, our team went and interviewed a manager at Trader Joe's to get the perspective of a worker's needs for the application.
We also ran a survey to get the perspective of Trader Joe's customers. This allowed us to find out the pain points for two groups of users.
We identified that a big pain point was creating a shopping list and knowing the total cost of the wanted groceries.
Once we had some knowledge we took the comments from the survey and created a flow model for usage of the app from multiple perspectives, and created a Work Activity Affinity Diagram.
This allowed up to group the responses from the survey into categories which would then drive our design for the application.

We then sketched out scenarios before working together to create low-fidelity wireframe mock ups of those tasks using Sketch.

After getting feedback from our peers and user testing, we modified the design and then added colors. Shown below, we changed the color for adding all ingredients of a recipe to a list so that the user would notice the difference. We also added a pop-up confirmation that the ingredients had been added to a list.